Nexomon is one of the Pokemon spin-offs that doesn’t try to hard to hide it, and it doesn’t need too! Originally a mobile game (with zero microtransactions😮), it was recently ported to PC, and trust me, you wouldn’t know if I didn’t just tell you!
Platforms: Windows / Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch This is the most “Pokemon-like” game in this list, that is not like Pokemon! It’s obvious that it’s been inspired heavily, and definitely feels that void, but while being a unique game of its own, with a ton of innovation and surprises, through all of the 3 games in the franchise. The possibilities are literally endless here, so if you enjoy empowering a bunch of different monsters, and taking the best advantage of them – you definitely won’t be disappointed with Siralim. There’s a ton of procedurally generated stuff, so RNG & grinding will be by your side, and the same goes for stat-madness and team optimization. If you’re not too familiar with roguelike games, I definitely suggest taking a look at the best ones out there, as it’s hard for an RPG-fan to dismiss them. You will need a hell-lot of strategy to progress through Siralim, as it’s a roguelike game at its core. Sure, you won’t get any memorable characters and stories here (or even monsters for that matter), but think of it as a “JRPG take” on the Pokemon games (well Pokemon is a JRPG game too, you know what I’m trying to say here 😁). Siralim is a low-budget franchise from a single developer, but that doesn’t mean it’s lacking in quality.

Platforms: Windows / Mac / Linux, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS What’s best, is that TemTem is an online multiplayer game! That means you will meet a flock of other trainers during your journey, and it’s up to you to make friends, battle it out, or just plainly ignore them! And of course, you can team up with them, and have Co-Op battles with other players or NPCs.

The battle system is deeper than Pokemon games, therefore working on your team composition, and using the right Buffs / Debuffs will make a huge difference to your progress – unlike Pokemon where you could always just “carry” everything with your starter Pokemon and never look back. I’ve never felt such a huge dose of Poke-stalgia, than the day TemTem came out and I played it for the first time! The aesthetics and controls are flawless, and every tiny NPC has a big story to share with you! We really couldn’t ask for more, since the gameplay and the polish level is absurd on this one! It’s still on early access – therefore missing a lot of core features – but even that is not enough to take away the unique charm of this game. TemTem is undoubtedly the best “Pokemon clone” that’s available on PC.
Platforms: Windows, PS5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch